Chances are that you’ve wondered numerous times if you’ve left your oven on, unplugged your curling iron, blew out that candle, or completely put out your cigarette. We all know the danger these and other similar situations can present, which is why we try to be as careful when it comes to fires as we can. No matter how careful we are, fires and accidents can and do happen from time to time. Recovering from your loss after a house fire can be emotionally draining. But there are a few things you can do that will help to make the recovery process a little bit easier.
Don’t Immediately Return After a Fire
In the moments and days following a fire, safety should be your biggest concern. While you might be tempted to run back inside to see what can be salvaged or where to begin putting everything back together, resist the urge! Only trained firefighters and emergency responders should go inside a structure until it is deemed safe to return inside. There is nothing inside that is worth risking your life for.
Call Your Local Fire Restoration Team
Cleaning up or restoring your home yourself after a fire can be dangerous. A restoration team will come in and remove all the debris and unsalvageable household items, as well as move everything that can be salvaged outside to dry. It is important to choose a fire restoration team with a solid reputation and a wide range of services to cover your needs. A restoration expert will be able to guide you through the process of replacing and repairing your home.
Make a List of What Needs to Be Replaced
It is a good idea to keep an updated list of all your valuable belongings before disaster strikes. Having this information in a safe place will save you a lot of headache when the worst does happen and you are trying to provide a list for insurance purposes. If you don’t already have a list, take some time to survey your belongings and make a list so that you can provide an accurate list to your insurance agent.
Save Your Receipts
Following a fire, any purchases that you make to repair your home can potentially be reimbursed from your insurance company. In order to apply for a reimbursement, you’ll need to submit your receipts. If your home is unlivable due to the damage from the fire, ask a family member or a friend for a safe place to store your documentation, as this will come in handy later on.
Start Replacing Valuable Documents
After a fire, many people focus on replacing larger objects, and neglect to replace the various documents that were lost. You’ll want to plan ahead and replace these documents before you need them. Check to make sure that birth certificates, social security cards, passports, credit cards and other valuables were not damaged and replace the ones that were. It can be a time-consuming process to replace them, so you’ll want to get started as soon as possible.
The most important thing you need to remember following a fire is to stay calm. So long as you and the rest of your family are safe, everything else can be replaced. Through the help of fire restoration experts, such as Entrusted, you can get your life and your home back quickly. Focus on the important parts and leave the restoration to the professionals at Entrusted.