mold clean up company

mold clean up company

Ceiling Water Damage: What it is and How to Prevent It?

In addition to providing protection, your ceiling covers unsightly beams, pipes, and wiring that run overhead. Homeowners tend to give their ceilings little thought until they start showing signs of water damage. At that point, a mold clean up company may need to be contacted, as ceiling damage is a priority that can’t be ignored.

Ceiling Water Damage: What it is and How to Prevent It? Read More »

mold clean up company

5 Signs of Mold Growing in Your Crawl Space or Attic

An improperly ventilated crawl space is a breeding ground for fungus, bugs, decay, and even mold. In order for mold to develop, there are several conditions that must be present. These conditions include oxygen, time, darkness, a food source, warmth, moisture, and the presence of mold spores. Often, mold goes unnoticed in the earliest stages

5 Signs of Mold Growing in Your Crawl Space or Attic Read More »