3 Signs of Mold and Water Damage Around Doors and Windows

As a homeowner, finding mold in your home can be overwhelming and very disheartening. It is important to know that mold can present a lot of danger to the health of both you and your home. Mold is able to reproduce quickly, and once it begins to grow, it has the ability to spread into the air, causing you to breathe in toxins. If you know how to find and identify mold in your home before it spreads out of control, it could save you from a bigger remediation process (saving you time and money). If you do find yourself with mold in your home, taking immediate action is strongly recommended. Below are some ways that you can identify and manage mold in your home- before it gets out of control. 

Mold is starting to form

Mold tends to hide in damp areas and take root in corners and dark areas such as baseboards around doorways, windows, and ceilings that are connected to the roof. Small white and/or black dots in these areas might indicate that there is mold starting to form. There are times that mold is not quite visible to the eye, but checking for smell is another way to catch mold in the early stages. 


Weathering often dulls the coloring of a door or window. This discoloration is often the result of water or sun damage. Another indicator of water damage is uneven coloration. Water often causes the pigment to shift, causing spots of fading intermixed with areas of intense color. While sun fading occurs in fairly regular patterns, discoloration from water damage often presents itself more randomly.

Sagging Paint

When water penetrates surfaces, it seeps to the lowest area possible (such as the bottom of walls). A stream of water leading from a window to the floor often indicates water damage. When water becomes trapped by paint, such as on a ceiling, the paint will often bubble and sag due to the added weight of the water it contains. The bubbles will clearly contain something heavier than air.

Water and mold can cause significant damage to a home. Regularly checking for mold, discoloration, and sagging paint can lead to early detection and allow for early intervention. If detected, water damage and/or mold should be treated as soon as possible to prevent further, more extensive damage. Entrusted’s professional restoration specialists can quickly and effectively help treat mold and water damage in your home Contact us today for a free consultation.