As a water damage company, we have seen it all. Because you never know when disaster is going to strike, it is imperative that you be prepared. In addition to having emergency plans in place, you should have a few essential emergency items on-hand as well. These items should be easily accessible, ready to use at all times, and all family members should know where they are located. Here are five of the most important emergency items that you should have in the event of a disaster.
First Aid Kit
If you are only going to have one thing set aside for an emergency, make sure it’s a fully stocked first aid kit. In an emergency situation, a fully stocked first aid kit could be the difference between life and death for someone an injury. If your first aid kit has been picked over and is missing vital parts, it won’t do you much good in an emergency situation. Be sure you are replenishing items as they are used or expire so you are always prepared. It is also a good idea to keep any medications that family members are taking on hand.
It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with basic first aid procedures so that you can help your family if necessary. Knowing how to properly use your first aid kit, could potentially save a life during a disaster.
Matches and Candles
During a disaster, power is usually one of the first things to go and the last things to come back. You’ll want to be sure that you have a way to see and get around your home, find items you need, or get to safety. Having a source of heat where you can cook food is also a good idea, if possible.
Food and Water
The recommendation is to have a gallon of water per family member for a minimum of three days. In addition, you’ll want to have adequate food on hand. Store food that does not require a lot of preparation and can be eaten cold if necessary. Regularly check your food for expiration dates and replace as necessary. If you have any canned food, you’ll want to make sure that you have a hand can opener stored with your food.
Radio and Other Communication
The best way to stay informed about the disaster is with a hand crank radio. By having a radio you’ll be able to learn about rescue efforts, evacuation orders, and other important updates. You should also keep an extra phone charger handy and a whistle to make it easier for rescuers to find you.
Personal Documents
During an emergency, most people are primarily focused on staying safe, making sure their family is safe and getting help. Most don’t think it is important to grab documents, such as driver’s licenses, passports, proof of address, birth certificates, and prescriptions. While you might not think about it, these documents can be crucial to have on hand during an emergency. It is a good idea, to have a hard copy in a waterproof folder you can easily access when it’s time to evacuate. You should also include an emergency contact list, a pen, and a pad of paper to take with you in an emergency.
Following an emergency or a disaster, you might return home to find that your home suffered damage from water or fire. This is where a water damage company, like Entrusted, can prove to be a lifesaver.